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QHow much does a Korean language class cost?

Currently, VOD (Internet lectures), mentoring classes, and Open Kakao Talk provided by www.geniekedu.com are all free.

QWhat is the class course like?

The course progresses in the following order: 1A → 1B → 2A → 2B. We recommend listening in order.


QWhen and how can I take mentoring classes?

Mentoring classes are available every Monday, [8:30p.m.]

(once every week during the semester and once every other week during the vacation)

(Mentoring classes are for students. We ask for your understanding.)


Time Every Monday, [8:30p.m.]
Class Room Enter the Class room(click)
< Teacher Introduction video > Ye-eun Kim (click)
QI forgot my ID and Password

If you forget your ID and PW, you can leave [① your name, ② your location (such as Suwon, Pyeongtaek, etc.), ③ your email address] on the Q&A bulletin board for confirmation.

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